Friday, May 10, 2019

Progressive Socialists Scorn Religion : The Abhorrent Personal Strenght of Confiction.

Is it any wonder the democrats are careening from side to side, wildly out of control while Trump forges ahead succeeding at just about everything he tries to do. The progressive socialists are destined for the ash heap of history promoting hate and destruction.

Other that find their religion enough to sustain them through good and bad times are scorned by progressive socialists democrats. Religious belief that is non-violent is misunderstood as a weakness by those that support religious jihads steeped in violence as a tenant for advancement. 

 Little wonder then it comes as no surprise the progressive socialist liberal democrats find this situation where a religious group, happily content with less of the worldly goods that others demand, find it an abhorrent and depraved situation, totally perplexed by their life style and ideology and all the while hating them for their personal strength and convictions.

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