Saturday, January 14, 2012

Keystone Pipeline A Dead Issue : Fossil Energy is Bad

I think our president really doesn't care about what happens in the Straits O Hormuz. As far he is concerned, if the oil stops flowing and the gas price goes up to $6 a gallon, all the better to force everyone to stay home and remember just who is in charge of their lives.

We really don't get that much oil from there anyway, and if the rest of the free world has to bend the knee to Iran to feed their industries, Mr. Obama and the liberal left thinks that's there problem.

Mr. Obama knows if he can control the movement of the population he can control everything else as well. A population that is dispirited and cold is much easier to manipulate. And given that at least 48% of population wants to be control and have others tell them what to do and think, the progressives have this one in the bag.

And the XL Pipeline, what a laugh. That's dead in the water. It's been said that Mr. Obama will look into this problem once he finishes the back nine at his favorite course in Florida.

Maybe next week sometime if he isn't too busy campaigning for reelection or getting together with a few friends for a pick-game of hoops in the WH gym. First things first. It's all about priorities.

"Keystone XL. At the same time President Obama is warning Iran not to jeopardize the flow of Middle Eastern oil through the Strait of Hormuz, the President can’t seem to decide whether the flow of Canadian oil through the Keystone pipeline is a good idea. Congress has set a February 21 deadline for the President to decide whether the Keystone pipeline is in the national interest. But with each passing day, it appears the President is looking for ways to sidestep the issue."

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