Monday, October 25, 2010

Democrats Urge Bush in 2004 : Stop Opposing GSE's Housing

This letter was sent to President Bush from the Democrats in 2004 just when the Republicans were starting to draw attention to the housing nightmare.

Please see the highlighted section, my highlight, of this letter from congressional Democrats to President Bush as it sums up the housing disaster brought on by Democrats. Remember, Barney Frank said all was well in the housing situation and all the Democrats backed him.

I couldn't copy the original letter as it appeared, but this is the letter but the signers signatures would not copy. This letter was signed by all Democrats at that time.

The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
Washington, DC 20050

Dear Mr. President: June 28, 2004

We urge you to reconsider your Administration's criticisms of the housing-related government
sponsored enterprises (the "GSEs'') and instead work with Congress to strengthen the mission
and oversight of the GSEs.

We write as members of the House of Representatives who continually press the GSEs to do
more in affordable housing. Until recently, we have been disappointed that the Administration
has not been more supportive of our efforts to press the GSEs to do more.

We have been concerned that the Administration's legislative proposal regarding the GSEs would weaken affordable housing perfonnance by the GSEs, by emphasizing only safety and soundness. While the GSEs' affordable housing mission is not in any way incompatible with their safety andsoundness, an exclusive focus on safety and soundness is likely to come, in practice, at theexpense of affordable housing.

We have been led to conclude that the Administration does not appreciate the importance of the
GSE's affordable housing mission, as. evidenced by its refusal to work with the House and Senate
on this important legislation. It now appears that, because Congress has not been willing to
jeopardize the GSE's mission, the Administration has turned to attacking the GSEs publicly. We
are very concerned that the Administration would work to foster negative opinions in the
financial markets regarding the GSEs, raising their cost of financing. If the intent is to get prohousing members of Congress to weaken their support of the GSEs' mission, it is a mistaken

Our position is not based on institutional loyalty, but on concern for the GSE's affordable
housing function. We appeal to you to agree to work on legislative proposals that foster sound
oversight and vigorous affordable housing efforts instead of mounting assaults in the press. We
also ask you to support our efforts to push the GSEs to do more affordable housing. Specifically,
join us in advocating for more innovative loan products and programs for people who desire to
buy manufactured housing, similar products to preserve as affordable and rehabilitate aging
affordable housing, and more meaningful GSE affordable housing goals from HUD.

The President Page Two

For example, as a President that has a sincere appreciation for rural America, we urge you to
direct the Rural Housing Service to place a high priority on wolking with the GSEs to close as
many loans as possible this year to preserve the Section SIS rural housing stock, which is home
to some of this country's poorest citizens.

In closing, we reiterate that an exclusive emphasis on safety and soundness, without an
appropriate balance in focus on the affordable housing mission of the GSEs, is misplaced.
Strong safety and soundness regulation and a vigorous affordable housing mission are not only
compatible, but will reinforce each other. We ask you to work with us to craft legislation that
achieves the proper balance in both areas.

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