Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Obama's Trust Factor? : Trust Begets Truth

Here is a saying that I believe defines why we, as a nation, do not believe Obama has our best interests at heart.


From the latest polls, nearly 60% of the general public do not trust the president of our country to do the right thing. This will grow as each day goes by and Mr. Obama mindlessly orates more meaningless information about all the crisis that plaques our nation.

It is not lost on most of us that what he says and what he does are two completely different things. I believe this is not by chance but purposeful. He used this during the campaign to get elected and it worked, the majority bought it, so why not continue to use it now.

Do you buy his line of rhetoric? Does he still command the majority? hmmmmm This Tuesday will begin the story of how much the general public has thought this through as the primary elections unfold.

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