Sunday, November 01, 2009

Obama's Seven lies - A Video

There seems to be some difference in what the president said in January and what has actually taken place. This video shows just how two-faced he really is. But then a lot of us knew this before the election if you watches Fox News or listened to talk radio.

Holy cow batman, Conservative talk radio and TV did tell the truth!! Who Knew?

I guess what is most depressing is a slight majority of the population found it easier to let others make decisions for them rather than taking a few minutes to exercise rational thought on their own. The lettered channels and most printed media made no bones about telling the story of Barack Obama to a willing population ready to give up their personal freedom for promises of a 'free lunch' for life.

Worst of all, the populace knew, in their heart of hearts, he was lying but couldn't be bothered with minor details when confronted with the chance of a free ride. Well now we all know the old sayings still have stood the test of time, " There is no free lunch", " If it's to good to be true, it's to good to be true".

Obama has proved that slight majority of our population wrong. The question remains though, will they see the error of their ways or will they blindly and willing do as they are told.

Keep the faith - the battle rages on.

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