Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Environmental Fascism : The Coming Nightmare

As always, Walter Williams produces powerful insight for the nightmare in our future. I have posted on this disastrous fraud that is 'global warming' many times in the past, but we can never be remained too many times of it dangers to our country.

Unfortunately both of the presidential candidates have professed a belief in this scam in one form or the other, but both agree we have to do something to stop man made green house gases that are destroying our planet. What nonsense!

Both want to tax us more for everything we eat and do to solves a non problem. This absolutely crazy. That is, they want to reduces our economy, and our way of life, to something similar to what is was 100 years ago. Of course this is impossible, but it doesn't matter to those sitting in the front pew of the church of man made global warming - They believe no sacrifice is to great for others to bear to save the planet. Those in the pew never see themselves having to endure sever hardship to bring about the changes they believe are necessary.

Never forget, and I have said this on many occasions, 'global warming' is a religion and not just a collective movement. These people refuse to debate or discuss their personal belief as being in anyway misguided or just plain wrong.

Remember Jim Jones from years back? 900 people drank the 'coolaid' and died strictly on the say so of their religious leader, Jim Jones. The global warming fanatics are similar in their mindless pursuit to eliminate carbon dioxide from our world. They are truly insane.

How is this similar, easy, we, and all animals, breath out CO2 and their is no hard science that points to CO2 as being a problem. None! Did you ever wonder why Al Gore refuses to debate the subject? I wonder if Jim Jones opened the floor to debate before he told his folk to drink up?

This is serious business as it effects us all now and in the future - we must stay vigilant and conscience of what is best for ourselves and our offspring as the November election arrive. What we do then will dictate how America will look and feel in the coming years.

Keep the faith - we have to power of the vote as a weapon in the battle for freedom.

A Country At Mercy Of Environmentalists
Posted Tuesday, July 29, 2008 WSJ

Let's face it. The average individual American has little or no clout with Congress and can be safely ignored. But it's a different story with groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy.When they speak, Congress listens.

Unlike the average American, they are well organized, loaded with cash and well positioned to be a disobedient congressman's worse nightmare. Their political and economic success has been a near disaster for our nation.

For several decades, environmentalists have managed to get Congress to keep most of our oil resources off-limits to exploration and drilling. They've managed to have the Congress enact onerous regulations that have made refinery construction impossible. Similarly, they've used the courts and Congress to completely stymie the construction of nuclear power plants. As a result, energy prices are at historical highs and threaten our economy and national security.

What's the political response to our energy problems? It's more congressional and White House kowtowing to environmentalists, farmers and multibillion-dollar corporations such as Archer Daniels Midland. Their "solution," rather than to solve our oil supply problem by permitting drilling for the billions upon billions of barrels of oil beneath the surface of our country, is to enact the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. This Act mandates that oil companies increase the amount of ethanol mixed with gasoline.

Anyone with an ounce of brains would have realized that diverting crops from food to fuel use would raise the prices of corn-fed livestock, such as pork, beef, chicken and dairy products, and products made from corn, such as cereal. Ethanol production has led to increases in the prices of other grains, such as soybean and wheat. Since the U.S. is the world's largest grain producer and exporter, higher grain prices have had a huge impact on food prices worldwide.

Congress and the environmentalists aren't through with us. If you're bothered by skyrocketing food and energy prices, wait until Congress reintroduces its environmentalist-inspired Climate Security Act, so-called cap and trade. Cap and trade is deceptively peddled as a free-market solution to the yet-to-be-settled issue of man-made climate change. Under its provisions, companies would be able to emit greenhouse gases only if they had a government allowance.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that a 15% cut in emissions would raise the annual average household's energy cost by $1,300. Since energy is an input to everything we use, we can expect everything to become costlier, resulting in a reduction in economic growth.There's a hateful side to cap and trade that's revealed by asking the question: How will it be decided who received how much allowance to emit greenhouse gases?

Congress could sell the allowances and/or give them away to favorite constituents. You can bet the rent money that a new army of lobbyists, with special pleadings, will descend on Washington to lobby Congress. And you can be sure that campaign contributions and favoritism will play an important role in the decision of who receives what allowances.

Much worse than that is the massive control government would have over our economy and lives. Congress might decide that since tobacco use is unhealthy, it might not issue allowances to tobacco companies.While many Americans might applaud that, how many would like Congress to refuse to issue allowances to companies that produce food that some people deem unhealthy such as french fries, sodas, canned soups and potato chips?

Congress might deny, or threaten to deny, allowances to companies that in its opinion didn't hire enough women and minorities. The possibilities for control over our lives would be endless and could include nuisance-type edicts such a requiring us to buy a permit to barbecue in our backyard.

The thirst to wield massive control over our economy helps explain the near religious belief in man-made global warming and the attacks on scientists and others who offer contradictory evidence.

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