Saturday, June 07, 2008

Lieberman/Warner Bill : Economic Insanity

More economic bad new related to the Liebarman-Warner global warming insanity legislation now trying to get through the congress. It does appear the senate will stop this, at least temporarily, until the New Socialists Progressives, liberal Democrats, have a chance to bring it back for another vote, and it will come back. It might look different but believe it will have the same consequences for our country.

The Heritage Foundation has put up some numbers of jobs lost and dollar wasted for little or no return. It really boggles the mind to think there are United States senators that have such a thin grasp on the principles of economics. But, again, maybe they know exactly what they are doing.

In the Western part of the country, 124,345 jobs will be lost by 2025 and cost that part of the country 30.7 billion.

The South will suffer even more - 188,942 jobs and 44.7 billion dollars.

The Mid West is get hit for 127,730 jobs lost and 26.9 billion dollars wasted.

The Northeast will lose 120,110 jobs and waste 26.4 billion.

This is short and not so sweet but you need to pay attention as it's related directly to you and your offspring. Keep the faith brothers and sisters, you know the battle is joined!

Chilling growth

Those urging Congress to pass the Lieberman-Warner bill say it would slow global warming by capping carbon dioxide emissions.

But a number of studies predict severe consequences in higher energy costs for the U.S. economy and consumers. Studies from The Heritage Foundation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Charles River Associates and even the Environmental Protection Agency share this dire assessment of the cap-and-tax legislation.

In 2025 alone, Heritage’s study concluded, Lieberman–Warner would cost the nation at least 500,000 jobs and cut economic output by at least $125 billion — for little to no environmental benefit.

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