Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hillary's Experience : Good intentions?

When asked what experience she will bring to the White House if elected president during the debates this week, Hillary indicated that she advocated for children, she is concerned for the poor, is interested in more health care for everyone and feels strongly for illegal immigrants.

That's not exactly what she said but she made sure she had a long list of stuff that fooled no one. I really don't have to quote her directly as anything I say here will be a good as anything she had to say during the debates, which is nonsense. In reality, she is just another empty suit - she has no experience what so ever.

Consider this, how would she do as commander and chief when she and Bill hate the military? How can she handle immigration when she thinks all illegals should be able to vote and have a picture identification as well as a drivers license - This is being debated in the state of New York - she believes this bill is going in the right direction! The governor proposed the bill and she supports it - she doesn't know all the details because she hasn't read it she said but believes it's going in the right direction. She said on national television during the debate.

Can she be the best the liberals have to offer? I believe this to be true - Edwards and Obama are no better - they have nothing to offer - why would we expect more?

The fight is joined - keep the faith

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