Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Democrats are Empty Suits

Just a quick note about the Democrats first 100 hours - remember they said they will set the congress on fire with all kinds of new initiatives that will turn the country around - stop the war and repair all of the damage that George Bush has caused this nation.

But wait, nobody knows what hour it is in that hundred - and it seems nobody cares, I guess, as nothing has happened yet. What can they do anyway? They have no original ideas. They have no agenda other than hate for George Bush. I guess it all too obvious now why they hate George, he has some new ideas and that is as good as any reasom to hate someone, even though he seems to have trouble making them work.

Social security reform was a good one that he started but it died due to lack of support from both sides of the aisle. Everyone was afraid of the seniors even though it wouldn't effect them at all. It was just another ploy, read road block, thrown up by the do nothing liberals on a good program of the Bush administration.

Immigration is on the block but the Democrats blocked that by not funding the 700 miles of wall that is to be built between us and Mexico. (Bush really didn't get behind this either. )

Health care with part 'D' in the Medicare package - the Democrats said it wouldn't work and did everything they could to stop it but now it looks like it is a success - or it must be as the liberals have nothing to say about now. By all indication it works great and it cost a lot less than the liberal hate groups said it would.

Anyway, the Democrats will have a tough time doing anything of any consequence in the next two years. Empty suits are like that. The question is just how much can be accomplished when your entire agenda is based on a negative premise - hate everyone that opposes you and do what it takes to destroy them. How can you govern with an attitude like that? Oh wait, they have no intention of governing - all they really wanted was power.

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