Monday, September 02, 2024

''It's The Economy Stupid'' Demanded democraaats!!

And for once they were right! It is the failing economy that most people that have to work for a living, unlike the democraaat politicians who believe everything's okay.  After all, they want for nothing.

With inflation over all worse than 20% and food prices higher than that, gasoline at 35%, trying to make ends meet is dam near a life and death proportion for most middle-class families.

Yeah, that is the end game for the Marxist democraaats. And if that isn't enough, with 12 million illegals sucking down resources and thousands more every day coming to enjoy the fruits of the taxpayer, lets vote to allow 10 million more to join the 22 million already here.

What can and has already gone wrong?

And with millions of illegals eating for free, what will 
be the results for our limited resources for those who
pay the bills?

Chaos, conflict and pestilence!!

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