Monday, September 02, 2024

Career Choices Gone Bad! : What's Next?

It's just one of those things that happens to many of us when we first take a step out into the real world and find that it's not what you thought it was or might be. 

When your first choice becomes just a passed time, a burden you regret that you have to face every day, it makes good sense to take some time for introspection of where you are and what your goals really are.

What do you really want to do? What if it's something that your family will find to be odd or radicicolous? Step out and take a chance it might work out for. Give it try. There's not limit to how many times it takes to find solid ground under your feet!

Remember, if you love what you're doing, it's not work!

Time to choose! Don't let the grass grown
under your feet!

OR -

I wonder who's in charge of your life?

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