Monday, September 02, 2024

It Can't Get Worse, Right? : VP Kamomala Can Fix Everything?

Never in history has some much change taken place in one political organization than what has taken place among the Marxist liberated democraaat collective.

Suddenly, over night, after three and a half years of being told Ol' Joe was as ''sharpe as a tac'' by his associates, not his friends as he has no friends, to being told Ol' Joe is mentally incompetent and needs to be replaced as the nominee for the election in November. 

And then all of a sudden, they can't find a replacement that will win an election. ''Hey what about the vice president? Are you kidding? She's a total loser, a moron, a California Newsom ingrate sycophant and Willy Brown's willing 'understudy'!

 ''There's got to be someone in the collective who will do our bidding?''

But then, what about the money that Joe has from being nominated? Oh No! We are screwed. Only Kamomala, the VP has a Constitutional right to the funds! Now what!?

She now owns the Biiyden legacy as he was and is a total loser as well! The perfect dance partners!

There is no separation to be made from Ol' Joe as she can begin to
repair all of her mistakes right now as she is in command
of the government as Joe will be on vacation, fast asleep for
rest of his term.

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