Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Yeah, Right! democraaats Say Trump Is Unhinged! : Projection!!!

 The democraaats demand the population not believe their collective ears and eyes for what they see on television. Joe Biiyden is the man of the hour, day, month and the year who demonstrates what it means to be unhinged, a serious risk to himself and others.

Joe Biiyden is what experts say is mentally challenged to the point where he no longer can be considered a real viable member of a civil society but more like an escaped patient from a local institution. And yet he is the leader of the Marxist liberated democraaats effort to once and for all ''fundamentally change the country'' from a federation of individual free states to a socialist conglomerate of likeminded local and federal authoritarian collectives.

A man the nation can consider an unhinged lunatic is now Joe Biiyden.

Rage against the night! Sleepy Joe!

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