Sunday, July 21, 2024

Maxine Waters Concedes Her Part In Political Violence!

 And why not given how glorious the ''Sumer of Love'' was back in 2020 where she explained what will happen and did to 25 people who died, 1100 police were injured and she and her friends on the ground did more than 2 $billion dollars damage in over 750 riots of burning and looting cities and town.

Oh yeah, we can't forget Kamala Harris and her efforts on television to raise money for the defense of those arrested for arson and bodily assault. 

Hey, nothing to see here, just being good democraaats that they are, doing their duty for the collective!

And by the way no one was ever sent to jail like the 1000s arrested and jailed for going to the open house at the capital on January 6th and 1000s more are being targeted for arrest. Some who never were at the capital. 

But hey, they're Republicans so justice is being done!

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