Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Exactly Happens Now? : democraaats AND Media Will Spin This How??

 Know this, all of those who might not have been involved in the election process directly are now committed at all levels to get Trump across the line in November. There is no doubt now it will be impossible to do anything else if the country means anything at all to you!

 Rest assured, the country will be just another failed state among the refuse of history if we don't put the people's choice back in the White House.

But wait, like the 9/11 attacks on our country killing thousands, the mainstream media was all in condemning those who attacked our country, but then that was just for 24 hours. After the 24 hours was up, the media went into full speed ahead blaming America.

Watch what happens on Monday, the main streams media will be all in on blaming radicals that have been disenfranchised by Trump's harsh rhetoric! Oh sure, they will condemn the attack on Trump, but it was his own fault you understand, for taking a stand for such an evil country and the demonic people that support his idea of ''Making America Great Again''.

The Mainstream media and their allies in the Marxist liberated democraaat collective cannot accept an America that has a leadership role in the world, a government that is in support of its laws and is loved by her people! 

Donald Trump demands the government be accountable to the people!! And that is why the Marxist democraaats hate Trump. The socialists will lose control over the people!! That has to end!!!

Well, the Marxist democraaats and the mainstream media have
taken away any doubt about who the people will vote for now!!

Never vote democraaat again, no matter where they are on the
ballot. Not local, not state and certainty not any federal democraaat
politicians!!!! Never vote for them again, ever!

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