Sunday, July 14, 2024

Butter Made From CO2? : No Need For Animals!?

 This is interesting and at the same time makes the climate change lunatic criminals sweat as they see their lifestyles shrink or disappear!

Oh no! We might have to get real jobs instead of living off the taxpayer tit!!!

A new type of dietary fat that doesn’t require animals or large areas of land to produce could soon be on sale in the US as researchers and entrepreneurs race to develop the first “synthetic” foodstuffs.
US start-up Savor has created a “butter” product made from carbon, in a thermochemical system closer to fossil fuel processing than food production. “There is no biology involved in our specific process,” says Kathleen Alexander from the firm.
Instead, its butter is derived from the carbon in coal, methane or carbon dioxide. The petrochemical industry uses such inputs to create syngas – a blend of carbon monoxide and hydrogen – which is then turned into long-chain hydrocarbons in what is called the Fischer-Tropsch process.

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