Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Calvin Asks Mom Histoy Questions : Liberal Mom Has the Answers!

 When the brain is set on auto, nothing will make a difference until the heat reaches such intensity where it can't be ignored any longer.

Remember the frog swimming around in the pot of water enjoy his day, but when the heat was applied to the eater, suddenly the frog lost his enjoyment of his predicaments and as we know, it was too late to make a change!

If you are still mystified by such a situation and how it can happen to you, look no further than what you see in the bathroom mirror! Believe, they will not see the cause of the existing problem.

And like the reply to police officer that pulls you over giving you a ticket for speeding, and you say, '' I didn't realize that I was speeding'', the officer will say, ''Ignorance is no excuse''!! 

Voting democraaat in November will prove a disaster of proportions not seen in our history.

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