Thursday, July 25, 2024

The ''586'' Computer's Blue Screen of Death : And Now It's Back!!

 The Blue Screen of Death! Yeah, the younger members here will not have any idea of what this is. It was something to fear when operating a ''586'' computer. When this screen shows up it means something horrible has happened to the operating system and everything you have accomplished since you started using this machine is now gone!

Nothing worse berceuse no one could save you from jumping in front of a speeding bus!

So, much like the 'the blue screen' today, the Marxist liberated democraaats have successfully ''projected'' their criminal activities that they are actually doing to take the people's power for self-determination and exclaiming that it's the Republicans and Conservatives that are guilty.

One doesn't have to listen carefully to their tirades to understand motives of just how debase and intellectually and morally corrupt they truly are. 

They are all in for the final solution and that's total power for absolute control.

While we stand by and watch, our freedom and liberty are 
being systematically being reduced and then taken away.

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