Tuesday, July 23, 2024

We All Dodged A Bullet!! : It Could Have Been A National Crisis!

 Clearly the Good Lord has a purpose for Donald Trump at this time as He sees we need help to  correct the nightmare brought to us by an evil power like we have never seen before.

And being only humans which need a power far greater than anything we can must to give us all a chance to survive the calamity we are currently in. But the Lord won't do all the heavy lifting, it is up to us take the lead by becoming involved and actively working to do our part by voting early and help others to do the same.

Be proactive! Speak out and loud. Believe this could be our last election. HR (1) proposed by Pelosi is still ready to be activated!

Never believe the Marxist democraaats will just lay down and let the Republican run them down, they will come after the Conservatives and Republicans with every device they have to win the election and by any means necessary! And that means any means!

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