Monday, July 08, 2024

The Pressure Is On for democraaats : Lie, Cheat and Destroy!

 Every day the Marxist liberated democraaats waste on trying to get rid of Biiyden, its time lost on driving the country into very dark place for domestic and foreign policy so they can attack Trump and the Republicans 24/7 for not fixing what the democraaat have wrecked!

The democraaats know the damage they brought to the country is extensive, as planned, as they knew they won't win against Trump in November, so why not do as much damage as the can so no matter what Trump does to fix it, it won't be enough and demonizing him the entire time for trying.

We are about to lose the country as a free nation because of democraaats, so why are so many citizens still voting for their own demise??

Knows this, if democraaats win in November, there will be no solution for fixing the abject failure of the nation as we know it! The American dream will be gone leaving only the nightmare of a Marxist socialist hell!

What is it, no issues, no future plans for success,
and having no ethical or moral standings in the
country or the world, but the people will
still vote for democraaats! 


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