Saturday, July 06, 2024

Ol' Joe Is Good to Go!!?? : But Another Brain Surgery Recommended!?

Psychiatic and Medical experts conferenced in Washington trying to decide what is the best solution to improving Joe's Biiyden's mental state. 

The head shrinks are suggesting electric shock treatment several times a day to that will keep him from falling asleep standing up like during the debate. They say they have some methods that have proven to be effective when tested on other politicians that have shown symptoms similar to Joe's although not as sever. 

Admittedly the results were mixed as we saw with Maxine Waters with little or no obvious improvement after several treatments with the new Mercides Binz EV attachments which had in the past worked well.

The medical experts on the other hand, with extremely good credentials on brain surgical treatments, suggested another surgery to relieve pressure that they believe has become apparent by his behavior on a daily basis. 

They admitted their first two surgeries worked well at first but now believe they missed some import sections of his brain that now needs some more attention. They observed from his behavior some critical sections that should have been treated and weren't due to Baiden's' schedule in the Senate.

Please no more surgeries! No one knows how much brain
matter is left after the first two, and now they want to take
more out? ''Come on, man! I'm crazy but not stupid, right?''

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