Friday, July 26, 2024

''Trust The Science'' Say The Fau Chi! : ''I Am The Science!''

''Trust me'' says The Fau Chi, ''I am the science!'' It's strange that the population didn't shut up and completely succumb to the demands of the smartest people in the room whose only goal was to enslave the people to their ideology of big government knows what's best and therefore all must obey their agenda for control of all options.

Time brought clarity but the damage will be felt for generations.

It worked causing more damage to the nation than two world wars and is still in force today for many people who just want to comply with ''the science'' and do what's right!? Many are still wearing masks like our president Joe Biiyden and millions of children will never cover from missing two years of life in a civil society.

And hundreds of millions of citizens are now confused as to who they are and why America is actually the only place left on earth worth saving from enslavement by totalitarian domination that the Marxist democraaats are demanding.

The accumulated damage from two world wars was not this devastating to the general population as the Covid virus hoax brought to us by our own government agencies.

The Fau Chi, ''Comply or die''!

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