Saturday, July 20, 2024

There's A Battle for The Soul of America! : But Why?

 It's clear we know what works for success in America and has for 250 years, and yet the Marxist liberated  democraaats demand we stop being successful and join them in their quest for subjective failure, resulting in poverty and pestilence.

The newly liberated Marxist democraaat's agenda and ideology is based on the population have on options other than obedience. Individual freedom and liberty to being who and what they want to be from your own hard work and dedication to that task is not acceptable.

As we are witnessing this ideology becoming a reality in America after only 4 years of Marxist democraaat rule, our only hope for reconciliations is in the hands of Donald Trump who has a proven 4-year record of success.

Donald Trump is our last and best hope for survival of our country as a free nation. To fail in this duty were others in our past have succeeded is unacceptable. This is where history will blamed this present generation of citizens for such a failure to deliver success where our predecessors have succeeded, many giving their last full measured in their duty for God, family and country.

In November, vote like you understand what's at stake! To fail in this task is a failure of self awareness and conscience!

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