Friday, July 26, 2024

The Game of Having The Ultimate Power For Control : It's Win Now for democraaats Or Never!!

There is little or no doubt that our government has been transformed from the inside by strategically placed leadership over time, to reflect the agenda and ideology of the Marxist socialists. 

Virtually all areas of the government, known as ''The Deep State'' or ''The Shadow Government'' have been organized and instructed on the strategy for control of all outcomes. Participation is not complete but growing. 

Truly, it was and is a coup by forces within the rank and file of government employees that understand having this ultimate control is beneficial to their wellbeing, promising a prosperous future with little or no downside for their unconstitutional behavior.

Little wonder then why the push to eliminate Dondald Trump from the White House and even the two other branches of government, the House and Senate might as well fall to Constitutional Conservatives. 

That would be a disaster for the Marxist liberated democraaat plans for domination and control of the greater population of the United States.

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