Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Has The USSS Joined The CIA, DOJ and FBI? : "We Hate Trump!''

 I fear what this points out, the near death of Dondald Trump, a man of the people from an assassin with a rifle, in plain sight, while the United States Secret Service watched. The hatred for Donald Trump and the people of this country is far worse, deeper and far reaching in the government than we could have possible imagined.

It appears that the entire federal government has operatives in every department and agency ready and willing to commit any crime necessary to make sure their status never changes. 

They are in power, and they will make sure it's forever by any means necessary! They are too close to their goal of total power to allow it to slip away without doing everything they can to stop any ''tin horn'' politician that comes along!

The USSS made no effort to hide their willingness to allow
the assassin to take the shot!

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