Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biiyden Gets The Bums-Rush! The Power for Total Control!!

Remember the slogan, ''Change We Can Believe In'' trotted out by Barrrack back in 2008 along with his promise for ''Fundamental Change'' of America? 

Remember also he said it can't be accomplished all at once, it will take some time to make it happen. 

Well now he is well on his way with being in the White house for 8 years as president and now for his third term being the force behind old Joe make him dance to his toon for America being a member the globalization for all Western countries and of course he is in charge.

Remember as well Barrrack's religious jihad for the Middle East having the Persians, Iranians, taking total control, leading the way for domination of all oil producing nations. 

Why else would Barrrack want the Iranians to become a nuclear power?

Barrrack's ''Fundamental Change'' in America in its final stage?

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