Monday, June 03, 2024

Why Home School? : The New Society Is A Toxic Mess!

How toxic, well enough that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, has designated more than 100 agents to investigate parents of children in public schools they say are being thought unhealthy subversive subjects, and the parents are unhappy with the results. They are taking a stand against school boards to find out why and to ''cease and desist''.

The FBI and the Department of Justice, the DOJ believes the parents are subversive themselves and must be monitored to prevent violence against educators and school board members. 

The government believes many parents of public children do not believe what they are being told is the truth about the subjects and curriculum. They are not being taught about what the American dream and what the individual freedom to choose is in an educational environment. The parents what change.

But the government believes parents have little or no right to the control of what the child is taught. Trust us they say, we know what is best!

And that is the point for active parents in the public school setting! 
Mayb it's time to end public education as it is currently being

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