Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Will The Lie Live On? : The Promises Forgotten!

 Ol' Joe has become something that no one could have imagined just 6 months ago, he's totally without any comprehension of reality. His world has become smaller and smaller as the time passed until he has become just Joe Biiyden alone and nothing more. A Shadow, a mirage drifting aimlessly in the breeze only to dissipate as quickly as it appeared.

What we saw on stage with Barrrack, Julia Roberts and other Hollywood sycophant stars where Barrrack lead Joe off the holding his hand and tightly directing him with the other hand on his back begs some commonsense questions about what we have as a leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

Joe Biiyden is not a real persson but most just a cardboard cutout of the real thing. When they are done with him, he can be put away some place out of sight and uncomplicated.

Joe was there just to raise some bucks to help the Marxist liberated democraaats sink the county into an abyss of no return. Where life can be defined as our ability to do what we are told and be surprised how easy it is to compress with our own self-identity as we were as Americans in the past with freedom and liberty.

How much worse can out country get with just 4 more years of what we suffered over the last 4 years?

I wonder what the Marxist have planned for Novembre 5th
when Trump wins the election?

The promise was better things were to come if he is elected.
But what actually happened instead? He lied!

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