Thursday, June 06, 2024

The Choice IS Clear! : America First or All Is Lost!

Or the other option is clear as well, living of a life of obedience and servitude to others that you know stole your freedom and even your soul, but worst of all, you find this out when it's too late to change course!

But there are others who will never know why they are now slaves even as they are forced to take a knee on demand. Even before they were at the mercy of those in power, they had no idea what is like to be free to choose. They were happy just accepting the rewards of freedom without understanding that their freedom wasn't actually free. Someone has to pay the bill as millions have in the history of our great country.

As the saying goes, and I have stated this over and over again from the song, "Me and Bobby Mcgee'', ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose!''

How could anyone vote against having the freedom to choose? But million have and will again!!

One last chance again to make the decision for freedom in November. Ronld Reagan said, ''Losing our freedom is never more than one generation away''! Time to choose with no regret!

One last chance to have our country back like
the founding fathers designed it with ''Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of happiness!''

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