Thursday, June 13, 2024

Settled Science And What It Costs! : ''I Am The Science!!''

 ''I am not  a crook!'' Like everything else that government touches today, it's who can lie the best and longest to fool the millions of voters that can't or won't take the time to undemand how they are being screwed day after day and year after year by government employees like The Fau Ci!!!

No? Well, why not follow the money and who got richer than ever before?

Ask The Fau Ci and his buddies in the 
pharmaceutical companies! The Fau Ci,
''I am the science!''

Wait for it, as November approaches, more and more
problem viruses will drop on the poor unsuspecting
 voting public!

The Fau Ci was at a congressional hearing trotting out his
line of crap he used to shield himself and the millions of
dollars he was raking in lying about the Covid Wuhan money
maker from China!

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