Monday, June 10, 2024

A Domestic Terrorist! : How Did This Happen In America?

 Why doses he and his ilk in the Marxist liberated democraaat collective want to destroy the very thing that gave this guy the opportunity to occupy the highest office in the land? He was able to coast through life without taking any responsibility for what he is and or what believes it the truth.

Joe Biiyden has never ever considered the difference between what is fact and what is fiction or wehat is lawful because it doesn't matter to him and it never has. the only thing matters is getting and keeping himself in power and to control any outcome that might be a problem for him and his family to get rich financially.

Joe believes the more money and position he has gives him the ultimate opportunity to take as much power and positions from others as he can and therefore shield himself from others who disagree.

All other considerations are of no consequence. 

Joe is ethically and morally corrupt to a point where there
is no situation can be seen as unlawful no matter what any
individual or organization says differently.

Joe Biiyden has no soul. He is an empty husk rotting in real
time for all to see!

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