Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Walking Dead! : Biiyden And Democraaat Voters!!!

 After watching the Joe on center stage with Barrrack, waving to the crowed after their fund raiser and the band playing the exit music, Barrrack reaches over to take Joe arm pulling him in the direction he needed to go to leave the stage. (Joe looked like he really didn't know where he was or what was going on!)

But the worst part was Barrrack kept his hand on Joe's back to make sure Joe keeps going in the right direction. Without that personal assurance from Barrrack, Joe was not sure what he was supposed to do.

And this is the leader of the free world, and millions of good citizens are going to vote for him again even after watching this nightmare in real time???

Yeah, millions of ignorant or just stupid democraaat voters are lining up ready to do their duty just like they always have for generations. It's in the DNA! They aren't like the rest of us who must live in reality.

Just when the media says things that make normal people weak
in the knees about how strong and sharp Joe is even when we
and the media all know is mentally compromised. We have to
believe what the right thing to do is retire Joe to a basement
of his choice!

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