Wednesday, June 05, 2024

What is Reality? : How Many People Were Killed Last Thursday Night?

The question now is what actually happened in the streets? What happened after the verdict was read to find Donald Trump guilty.  How many buildings were burned? How many police were injured? How many innocent people were murdered by mobs in the streets around the country?

What was the total cost to the country and it's very soul after the Republican mobs got done looting and destroy everything in the path, night after night? 

Was it in the $billions of dollars? Was our country weeping for our forefathers who gave up everything to establish and preserve law and order but to witness treason and tyranny run wild?

 How about the millions of people who gave their last full measure to secure freedom and the of law that others can live in peace and security, lay dying in the street amongst the bubble from destroyed buildings?

What's that you say? I can't hear you!! Speak louder!!!

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