Friday, June 07, 2024

Washington's Only Saving Grace : They Can Be Removed!

 But the hardest part in all of this mischief is taking the first step to stop for a minute in your busy day and look around at where you have been living for decades and wonder why you don't recognize the place anymore. What's changed?

Everything has changed it seems. The people that once where neighbors and friends but no longer, only acquaintances and or associates.

But now many have become something different, they seem more intense at what they are doing and saying. The strange thing the rhetoric is unrecognizable in substance and with an unfriendly in tone, nothing like the old neighborhood.

They are on occasion pounding on your door demanding your attention to the narrative of conformity to what they believe is the new norm of life which doesn't have any common sense attached. A collective sense of joining or else!

You of curse don't usually answer the door as the family is hiding in the hall closet waiting for the mob to go somewhere else down the street, but sadly they know they will be back.

We are divided and getting more so by the day! And this is not good!!

And the debate goes on and on with never anything
of substance resulting that will make a difference.

Congress debates while the country burns!

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