Sunday, June 23, 2024

The democraaats Use ''Projection'' For Cover! : ''See, Look Over There!''

 democraaats demand accountability from those in opposition to any democraaat activity that's obviously criminal in nature. They point out with a loud voice what they say the Republicans are doing when in reality it's exactly what the democraaats have done and are doing in the present.

But it is so frustrating to those of us who must live in real time, the misinformation and outright lies are on the record and out in the open for all to see and understand, and yet they lie bold faced with no regard for the law! After all, there are never any consequences for lying!

Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton, they use the same talking point to cover any accusations regarding their own criminal actively, ''No one is above the law''. (But in reality, they know they are above the law and always have been!)

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