Thursday, June 20, 2024

Who Left The Barn Door Open? - The Cows Are Loose!

Currently one of more popular narratives now is demanding everyone believe that what Trump is saying he wants vengeance for those that have been attacking him for the last 7 years. He never said that but it's not important for the narrative to succeed.

Marxist democraaats know exactly what they are doing. lying about their motives and agenda for deflection from what they are actually dong to him, but telling the world they are terrified for their lives and ''democracy'' their actions are justified.

But for the good of the country, it hasn't worked like the Marxist democraaats, the communists had hoped it would. 

Still they know they have millions of believers ready to take their marching orders.

Quick, villages are on to us taking their stuff and then
lying to them it was this guy. But I was told
they know it was us so we have get rid of the
evidence and then blame him for trying to hid
the fact.
You know, justice is served!!

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