Saturday, June 29, 2024

Joe And The democraaats Are The Problem : A National Security Risk!!

Who the hell is in charge here? While Joe on the ground eating dirt, who's punching his buttons and pulling on the stings making him dance to their toon??

Again, after watching that nightmare on TV last Thursday, one has to wonder who this guy is and what he can't do to lead the country and keep us safe from predators, both foreign and domestic. He can't keep us safe because he's one of the predators.

The fox in the hen house!

Marxist liberated democraaats are all about centralized power for total control. The people are of no concern other than making sure they know their responsibilities to work hard, pay their taxes and obey the law.

President Andrew Jackson

''The people are the government, administering it by their agents; They are the government and the sovereign power''!

Why would anyone vote for this man or his associates who
are complicit in the willful destruction of our
national heritage of individual freedom and liberty!

Communists know nothing about liberty or freedom.

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