Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Convicted Felon! : Sentence; 4 Years of WH Community Service!

 I noticed NPR has decided to end its music programming and replace it with their concentrated attack on Donald Trump, found guilty by a jury of his peers in New York City, for entering his payment to a porn star for an indiscretion, on the wrong line of his ledger. Dam! (Another screw up!)

But wait, Mert Garland, the Attorney General of the Unte States authorized lethal force to be used against anyone who would stand the way during the attack on Trump's home, Matra Largo in Florida, during his ''search and seizure'' of all documents that he said were illegally obtained while he was president.

WOW! They were Authorized to gun down the former president or his Secret Service detail guarding the president and his belongings if they interfered with the ransacking of the entire premise. More than two dozen armed unit forced their way into the home, and evicted everyone that was in the home and demanded all camera surveillances are to shut down.

Where, again, did happen? Russia? China? North Korea? Venezuela?

On a morning show were NPR played classical music in the morning from 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon, now find a better fit to end the music and go political. 

''Why would anyone consider voting for a convicted felon, a criminal, for president of the United States? But many people are still considering doing just that!''

We live in strange times. Our government is now the enemy of the people including all surrogates accepting federal taxpayer funds. NPR gets more than $450 million a year to help in their cause for fundamental transformation.

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