Saturday, June 01, 2024

The Biiyden AND The democraaat Legacy! : Death To America!

 Joe Biiyden and the New communist liberated democraaats are well on their way to establishing a one-party government that will be all things to all people or die in opposition to its power for absolute control!

What we witnessed on Thursday was the final signal for the Marxist liberated communists to open the doors and let everyone know who they really are and always have been and what they intend for the rest of us.

As the Republican have stood aside for hears watching the transformation take place at all levels ofl government, and did little to even slow it down, the evidence it clear now with the guilty verdict for Donald Trump, the New liberated communists are engaging in the New World politics of taking ultimate power for control for generation to come.

The problem of course is too few Republicans that are trying to fight back seem too little and too late to do much good in stopping the savage avalanche of willing participants from both sides of the aisle to make America a total socialist state.

The Constitution will no longer be needed or relevant! Hells own monster by any other name is still Joe Biiyden!!

Joe Biiyden's plan for America,"Barrrack said 
everything will be fine, If I just do and say what he
tells me, everything will work out like
we discussed before I would run for office''!

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