Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Perfect Explanation for Results Supporting Joe Biiyden! (Great Video!)

 They were all on board thinking they had the perfect brainless puppet to use to gain power for total control of everything! But what went wrong!

What Can Go Wrong In Chicago With Only Marxists In Charge!?

 As the old saying goes, 'you can run but you can't hide' from your fate when you always vote for people who want to do you harm.

The quotation that remains is, WHY DO IT IF IT HURTS?? Chicago people aren't all stupid, right? But election after election they always vote democraaat even though they have to know better.

It makes no sense year after year where nothing changes except the people at levers of power are always the same or worse than the last ones, stealing more and more resources and individual freedoms from the people of this once great city.

Come on people, it doesn't have to be this way!!

Chicago, doomed to failure! Voter democraaat! Again?

Marxist Liberated democraaats! : America Is NO Good!

How long will it take for the general population to reject the notion the Marxist liberated democraaats are here to harm us and the country? This is the total summation of their agenda and communist ideology, ''We are in charge, and you are not''!

ALL POWERFUL democraaats in charge!

Believe this November will be what makes the difference between voting democraaat and constantly living in fear of losing our freedoms to a centralized authority or voting Republican and living in peace knowing the country's leadership really believes we are a representative Republic where the people are in charge and not a communist nightmare of a one-party solution to all life's situations.

democraaats have shown us their true colors when they wanted to remove Trump from the ballot and throw him in jail as convicted felon! But how come? There was no crime! Easy, they are democraaats!

democraaats in charge! ''Obey us or go to jail!'' Stalin is smiling!!

The deep state that's in control of our government hates Donald Trump
because he is one of us, the people who believe in common sense and
the rule of law as he does!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Joe And The democraaats Are The Problem : A National Security Risk!!

Who the hell is in charge here? While Joe on the ground eating dirt, who's punching his buttons and pulling on the stings making him dance to their toon??

Again, after watching that nightmare on TV last Thursday, one has to wonder who this guy is and what he can't do to lead the country and keep us safe from predators, both foreign and domestic. He can't keep us safe because he's one of the predators.

The fox in the hen house!

Marxist liberated democraaats are all about centralized power for total control. The people are of no concern other than making sure they know their responsibilities to work hard, pay their taxes and obey the law.

President Andrew Jackson

''The people are the government, administering it by their agents; They are the government and the sovereign power''!

Why would anyone vote for this man or his associates who
are complicit in the willful destruction of our
national heritage of individual freedom and liberty!

Communists know nothing about liberty or freedom.

Newsom For President? : Not Yet! 2028 He Says!

 From those in the know say Gavin isn't interested in taking over the presidency form Joe as the country looks too much like California and therefore much too difficult for him to place his brand of government on the contry where the entire country will be another California.

Gavin says he need time to get organized and allow Trump to win in November and fix Biiyden's nightmare. That way the country will be on the road to recovery and making it much easier for him to institute his dynamic economic revolution all across the entire country to be successful.

What they are saying, he wants is to ''francize'' his brilliance to all of the other states making America California coast to coast!

Now how Cool is that!!??

While Biiyden Stumbles and Drools - The World Burns!

So many things have gone wrong since our illustrious leader for the last 4 years and  at the levers of power, busy selling off American interests and property to the highest bidder.

What's wrong with that? After all, he is a good democraaat and isn't that what they do?

And then he deaminized any opposition to this quest for power and money to the point where he weaponized the government agencies, the Department of Justice to attack even citizens who believe they have a right to their own children's wellbeing.

Truly, Joe Biiyden is the face of the Marxist liberated democraaat collective that is currently destroying the American Dream. Our historical heritage! Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!

It's our job therefore, those of us who believe we can ''Make America Great Again'' must stop him by voting the bustard out of office in November and all of his accomplices on the ballot!!! 

Never vote democraaat again, ever!!

Kim says, 'Take my word on this, let the good times roll before the
 election in America, otherwise everything we want to do will
become much more difficult! Trust me I know!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Trump Takes It In The First Round!! : No Contest! (Video)

 Here is the best illustration to explain what happened during last night's debate.

The criminal behavior of the legacy media and Marxist liberated democraaats pronouncing, before the debate for weeks, that Joe was on top of his game, sharpe as a tack, the best we have ever seen him and ready to do battle with the convicted felon Lier Donald Trump. A crowd favorite!

hmmmmm This is what happened for the world to see and understand; never vote democraaat ever again as you will be a huge loser, even bigger than before when you voted for Biiyden the first time.

Bill Clinton Uses A ''Stand in'' For Monica! : When The Need Calls!! (Flash Back!)

 Yeah well, this is a little gross, but Bill never was finicky about using any tool that was available, man or beast!

And Hillary knew she had to do what he 
wanted or she would have to find a new

Calvin Questions Dad On Border Policy! : What's Different?

 I love this guy! He get to the heart of the problem and how it changs everything we hold to be true and what the founders had in mind when writing the Constitution!

What Happened to the ''Jungle Gym?'' ; What A blast!!

 Oh my goodness! We really did have fun on this thing, and I don't remember ever knowing of even hearing if a kid died while playing it. Back then no one would have cared. Death to a five year old is what?

Sill, maybe a few broken arms or legs could have happened, but it was always there and always used without supervision!

A Sign That Explains Child Control Is Important!

 This establishment takes discipline seriously when it comes to children running wild in their store while the parents have neglected their most fundamental responsibility in an open society, controlling their offspring while in public.

If you don't, we will!

And like any good animal owner does not discipline their charges in public, they believe control belongs at home where the public cannot witness and maybe disapprove of their technique.

Fear works wonders, especially the puppy threat!

Blackberry 3D Growth Chart : Interesting Evalution! (I guess)

 Someone had a do diligence need to make a chart the illustrated the growth of a blackberry. Is this important, maybe not given the nightmare that is our political behavior, bot still interesting how many different stages are involved in the final product!

Now don't you feel better seeing something this cool so early on a Friday?

WOW! Cool!! More knowledge has to be a
plus no matter the subject. To remain ignorant
tells the world you are a democraaat and no one
could possibly want that!!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Way Past Time To Be Free From Government Oversight!! : Vote Trump!!!

With the debate tonight and Trump is not necessary the big winner, but Joe is a big loser, will the stock market explode with people rushing to demonstrate their new and enthusiastic positive attitude to reelect Donald Trump as our leader and therefor believe the future of our country is assured?

I believe the country is ready and anxious to move forward with their lives. They are tired of living in neutral but want to shift the gears into fast forward. They want to do things and make things happen. 

They want to part of the bigger picture knowing they are part of the success!! They want to be free to do whatever they want to do without the fear of government coming after them. They can believe Trump will have their back!!

do what come natural to a free people, full stream ahead for success!

Remember again, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose!!''

Meat Eaters Survived! : Plant Eaters Didn't?

 It was much later that plant eaters emerged from the darkness of only protein consumption to exist strictly on leafy substances for survival,

Then at the same time I wonder if the historical curve of existence will provide some evidence of just how long the leaf eaters were a factor in the future of civil society.

What exactly is the good life and who enjoys it the most?

Primitive Cave Wall Drawings Depict Hunters! : No Raised Gardens?

Strange how this seems to be a pattern of artists from 10,000 plus years ago that didn't find it necessary to include a drawing of a bowel of torn up weeds as a main stay of life.

May goodness how we have progressed?

How Things Change! : But Really Shouldn't!

Who decided common sense and thousands of years of history is/are now not a workable plan for rasing a family? Maybe the family unit is now government?

The only real explanation is there's an evil spirit that has risen to the surface from the depths of hell itself to disrupt and destroy our civil society. The Marxist liberated democraaat collective that demands obedience to their agenda and ideology of centralized authority where individual excellence and pride in a job well done is forbidden has now a force for chaos and conflicts.

Everyone must not excel over others in accomplishing a task. No one can be better than someone else. Everyone is/are members of the larger collective of individuals who live and work together for the benefit of the group, the larger society.

Interesting how the new drum beat of the Marxist democraaats who now are driving the bus into a future of mediocrity and poverty in an uncivil ''classless society'', while the leadership class fly's away to richer climes for living the good life.

With the newest Supreme Court decision on government power to
prevail over freedom of speech, even now both sides of the aisles
are up in arms.

Why Is There a Rainbow? : Besides God Promised One!

 This is interesting as to the scientific aspects of why we see a rainbow across the sky after a rainstorm. I'm still not clear as to why it's shaped in a semi-circle at the same time we see the color spectrum.

Now we know the rest of the story!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Joe Biiyden Really Isn't A Stumble Bumb? : The Videos Lied?

 At what point will the general public begin to say, enough is enough? Is this the tipping point where the Marxist liberated democraaats have finally reached to far demanding what we see and hear no longer means anything if it's not democraaats don't show it or say it?

Have the democraaats finally run out of make-believe? Wishful thinking? Good reasons to vote  democraaat?

What's next?

What is A Carrot? : A Fruit or Vegetable?

The narrative was never who really is Joe Biiyden and what is his actual mental founding? Taht is, what are his historical accomplishments for 50 years in government employment.

The bottom line hereis can he make another 4 years as the leader of the free world? Or realistically is he better suited to make a good side dish at the get-together put on at the Sleepy Rest Home a better outcome?

What the definition of a carrot? 

History can be a good thing if one is ready to accept it as a reality!
Joe Biiyden hte same then as now, he is still just ol' Joe!

Joe Is About To Take The Final Step Into History!


A monster by any other name is still a monster. But Joe Biiyden has taken the mantel of the most tragic figure in American history doing more damage to the country than all of the wars we have ever were unlucky enough to involved in, and that by his DNA alone has defined himself from his beginnings the worst of the worst.

Ya know, maybe it's not his fault! After two brain surgeries and 50 years of government employment, is it possible the outcome of such a historical legacy be any different than it is?

Whatever you decide is actually the problem, mental illness or just not a bright person or both, don't do the stupid thing again, don't vote for him again. Life in a dumpster is not a good future for you and your family.

After a short visit from those who were just passing through, found our
leader to corrupt and visibly mentally unbalanced to accept his
attendance in their world. They were seen
leaving in the dark of night.

Dancing to The Tune : Soon, The Jig Will Be Up, Joe!!

 Yeah, soon Joe will be able to take a break from is duties of fattening his bank account with piles of cash given to him by close friends. Old Joe has been dancing to Barrak's tune for most of his political career for the last 12 years that he has been employed by the government as vice president and president.

Even from his earliest years in Delaware and Scranton, he was never his own man, if it wasn't the party controlling him it was the Chinese and Russians giving him huge sums of money to do their bidding. 

Yeah, and he took the money but it was never enough, he always came looking for more.

His son Hunter, a trusted member of the family, was just the bagman to make the collections, Joe was always running the show for decades as senator and from then White House!

No matter who held the controller, Barrrack or the Chinese. Joe  
Biiyden was always there to dance when called on. (Especially 
when there was a good financial return for dancing to the toon!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Calvin On Copy Right Law! : democraaats Offended!

 And it's still no matter what Republicans say or do, the democraaats will be offended on all levels of anyone's opposition to the Marxist agenda and ideology. 

Calvin here lays out the important aspects of the law and show the reaction to his summation of the law.

democraaats Want America Gone! : Socialist Tyranny Is Better!

What can go wrong with making America unworkable! What can go wrong with making the people hate one another? How can a society ''build back better'' when it's burned to the ground and those in power have no intention or plan to make anything better from the destruction.

Socialism only takes, it never gives!

The general population is waking up but too slowly to the danger of our country becoming a socialist sewer where no one is encouraged to be better than then they were. 

The Marxist plan is for everyone to be happy without the fear of failure. The leadership will always be there to direct you to your next task. A talent for innovation and accomplishment to understand a job well done is a prescription for a life of chaos.

A centralized authority for success is the only answer for peace of mind and the sure acknowledgment that you are accepted in the larger collective in the community.

Never vote  democraaat  again, ever!! ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

The Stockholm Syndrome undated: ''The Marxist liberated democraaats are captive to the agenda of their own leaders and victims as a result of that agenda!'' The destruction will be total!

If they succeed, what will remain for those that are left!

Innovation Sometimes Fails : Back to The Drawing Board! (video)

 Problems are obvious in this new design! But not to worry, the best we have are on the problem!

Sorry, The Office Is Closed! : Will Engage The Enemy Tomorrow!

 Everyone has priorities and to interfere in the workings of established operations is to wreak havoc among the principal players. That this is not a nation defense situation seems to not register as the rules for engagement are clear, the Airforce decided the matter could wait to the next workday.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Far Side's Gary Larson Understands Life and Living!


''ha ha Biff, I'm going to the vet to tutored!''

More Good Stuff From The Past! : Bush Leaves Washington!!

 WOW! It is Monday for sure but to visit the archives twice is inspiration. It is necessary to understand the impact of the past helps to not make the same mistakes that happened back then.

What went before is much like today, Republicans fighting off the monster communists and other democraaats while tiring to save the country from ruin after the democraaats had their hands at the controls!

Blast From The Past : Barney Frank - (democraaat -Mass!!)

Goodness!!  Maybe showing this scary stuff might not be a good idea for a Monday morning, but it just happens that I ran across this article and thought it should be pointed out just how bad, sinister the democraaats are the same then as they are now. Consumat criminals all! Some worse than others but still monsters!!

They are criminals with intent to steal everything of wroth in our country for their own personal satisfaction for riches and power. There are not limits to what they have done and will do the fulfill their destiny without leaving any ethical or moral standings in the civil community of hard-working people.

As the saying goes, ''They are willing to kill the golden goose just for the chance to  feed on the dead carcass!''

Separate But Equal? Feminism Is Dead!

 And maybe it's as with race, ethnicity, religion and or now male or female, the Marxist liberated democraaats have to maintain hate between these groups to fulfill their mandate, their birthright to and for the absolute power for control. 

There can be no other solution for control but to keep the pressure on these groups to hate each other even when they don't. The ramping up of government inference in the public discourse using tax funded agencies and departments like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, the Department of Justice, the DOJ to increase the divide is the agenda and ideology of the Marxist liberated democraaats, the communists.

Thank God though the tide is changing as the general public is becoming aware of the intent of the democraaats as the economy and domestic policies are driving the voters into a commonsense awareness of the risks of a total failure of our country.

Hope does spring eternal for a voter revolution in November.

Without hate the Marxist democraaats have no other
issue to run on as the scream and point to that this is
 what the Republicans are doing but the people aren't
fooled as much as before, they see and understand.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Are These ''The End Days''? : Where's The Boat!!! Still More Rain!!??

 I remember a few years ago when we got 11 inches of rain in 4 days which left the countryside looking like a scene we see traveling in Minnesota, The Land of A Thousand Lakes!

Now the lakes are back in Wisconsin and the weather man says, brace yourself,  there is still more on the way!

Please stop! Turn off the spicket!

Caitlin Clark Denied Authenticity? : Her Talent? Her Skin Color?

How profound is this! Clark brings home the golden goose to revitalize the WNBA but is told she isn't authentic enough to be a member of the squad!

Is it just jealousy of someone who is better than they are, something that never entered their minds that something like this could happen in a closed society? 

And it never enters their minds as well the squad is mostly all black and Clark is white is factor? Or Is it the combination just to difficult to accept?   

Is everything compromised? 

Sorry, the room is full!

Is The General Public to Blame? : Distracted To A Fault!

 Little is left to wonder about how completely compromised the mainstream media is concerning anything that has to do with the Marxist liberated democraaat agenda. They will be the first out of the blocks running stories to define what their truth is but are on the face, false but are to buy time for the democraaats to concoct a cover story to hide their true nature and involvement

The media's history is littered with proven misinformation used to deflect what the turth is from themselves and their friend's communist collective's involvement. 

And worse, it works every time. (Until now!) The people are aware of just how huge Hell's sewer really is and what a real threat they are to the Republic!

Never vote democraaat ever again!! EVER!!!

''No thanks, been there done that and it never worked out
you said it would''!!

The democraaats Use ''Projection'' For Cover! : ''See, Look Over There!''

 democraaats demand accountability from those in opposition to any democraaat activity that's obviously criminal in nature. They point out with a loud voice what they say the Republicans are doing when in reality it's exactly what the democraaats have done and are doing in the present.

But it is so frustrating to those of us who must live in real time, the misinformation and outright lies are on the record and out in the open for all to see and understand, and yet they lie bold faced with no regard for the law! After all, there are never any consequences for lying!

Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton, they use the same talking point to cover any accusations regarding their own criminal actively, ''No one is above the law''. (But in reality, they know they are above the law and always have been!)

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Division Is Nearly Complete! : Who Will Drive The Final Nail?

The country is divided much like it was back in 1790 or so with the spark for freedom began to smolder among the population hated the overloads in England making decision people didn't want or like. They said this was a conflict with who they are and how they wanted to live their lives.

But the other problem for those that wanted freedom was many in this new land didn't want to leave the home country rule. Security is in the known. There was the fear of the unknown that made them take sides. The opposition parties fgufht hard for their way of living. In many cases it weas nasty.

So, what are we to do now? Many among us still have that fear of taking stand for even whqt hty know is right and proper. Freedom is not free and it never will be. But freedom once compromised cannot be regained without extreme conflict. Generation will be affected!

Remember, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

Sadly, many among us were born without the gene of being
free to choose. Many are born to live on their knees!

The Marxist Liberated democraaats Hate Everything? : The God of Faith Is The Worst!

It seems there isn't room for two controlling deities in the modern world! Those that believe there can be only one god, and that's the god of government. All others must be eliminated, Our god, so says the Marists democraaats, must reign supreme having total control of all things or chaos will ensue.

Government, do as we say or suffer the consequences! The easy way to live.

Individuals who believe in an unseen God of mercy and truth cannot be allowed to be a controlling factor in their lives.  As the god of goernement that is immersed in false doctrines and soulless agendas and ideologies, will be in conflict the rules and regulations for life and living set down by government.

The God of Faith is in conflict with the communist ideology where there can be only one controlling factor, obedience to the supreme power of centralized government.

The communist will not tolerate any deviation from
the agenda and ideology. There must be totally obedience
or conflict arises.

Where Did The Cows Go? : Who Left The Door Open!!??

It seems the ''View'' participants have a lot of loose ends in the news these days with discussions with individuals like Rachel Maddow. pronounced ''Mad-Cow'' and others in and from the sewers of hell, about how corrupt Doanld Trump is and how he will bring vengeance, if he wins, to these fair-minded Marxist sycophants.

They have gathered together after leaving, escaping from the barn on a weekly basis to find some security in numbers from those seeking justice for the damages they have caused while rampaging on the loose!

My how things have changed over the years. But how did they
remain loose without being herded back into the
muck of captivity from whence they came?

Friday, June 21, 2024

Self Defense : Age Doesn't Mean losing The Fight! (Video)

Do whatever it takes to remain free from being controlled by the criminals that roam the streets.


Always Vote For The Future! : Why Vote For Pestilence and Poverty? On Purpose!

 The history of old Joe is everywhere in the mainstream media and including nearly all newspapers. His great accomplishments are on display for all to see and hear every day of the week. 

But isn't strange that old Joe is never fact checked like Donald Trump is every time he speaks. 

Again, narrative for the Marxist democraaats it's never about the truth but what they can be accomplish by presenting a good narrative of deception developed with misinformation, disinformation and outright lies to convince the general public they are what is needed for prosperity in America.

The good news is many in our great country are waking up to what the Marxist democraaats intend for us and our families. National gulag of forced serve to the state.  But will the numbers of good citizens willing to take the next step to end the tyranny to save the country from its disastrous end.

The millions who gave their last full meaner to ensure freedom and liberty survives for all of us to enjoy deserve better then Joe Biiyden and Marxist democraaats!!.

Never ever vote democraaat ever again. It is about the
 survival of the nation!!

The Fau Ci Just Wants To Be Loved! : A Dedicated Life of Service!!??

 What we are witnessing is on TV today is The Fau Ci hitting all of the shows pleading for people to buy his book, he got a $5 million dollar book deal, and for some love from those that remain alive after all off his years of dedicated service to the larger community of souls who suffered through the Covid attack from him and his fellow monsters here in Ameria and China simply for personal gain and his fellowship in the collective of Marist liberated democraaats.

What a guy that would or could nearly come to tears on television asking for praise and loving kindness for not killing, murdering more than million people due to his efforts to develop a virus that will prove to be  ''the iron fist'' for the absolute control of all humanity.

Saily, it seems to have escaped the confines of the lab in China or so as some say. Maybe it didn't escape but was allowed to run free just to see in real time what it might do if it was released in mass form as a test run.  hmmm

Hey, stop that talk! The Fau Ci is now held the Marxist media and much of the medical community as the most famous doctor in the world. The sycophant media who just love kneeling to mass killers and other hero of the Marxist democraaat collective.

The media believes now their past hero doctor, Josef Mengele is so last week. The Marxist future for America is becoming brighter and brighter with his leadership in our medial field! Especially immunology where mass sickness is a winner.

The Marxists are always on the lookout for new heroes to lead
the way to make life for everyone a mission of survival!

''What Are You Doing Son? : Okay! I Get it. A Snow Angel!''

 True enough for a dad who believes his son is telling the truth no matter what the circumstances might be, it's just the way a guy who has no history and a future that is just limited to what to do today!

Mental illness is a larger problem then we want to believe is true. When too many people have no aspects of what a future with success in the larger community might looks like other then what they can take from others, little is left for them to contemplate between what is wrong or right behavior.

A lifetime of living in a world where there are no
consequences for bad behavior.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

What is The Federal Reserve Doing To Piss-off The People? The Bidding of The WH?

Or is it just another agency that finds it necessary to do whatever it can to drive the lively hoods and their chances for prosperity they have become accustomed to by kneeling to the communists at the capital and the White House?

The jury is out yet but the smarter people find the course we are on now isn't going to work out well unless we change direction for leadership and quickly. 

The good news we have a change to save ourselves this November but at the same time if we fail in this task by voting wrong, our reward will be an early and shallow grave.

The Fed chairman is caught in a WOKE fire storm taking
the 3 am phone call about standing down trying 
to fix the economy! democraaats are all in for a 
economic diester so they can blame Trump!

The democraaats will say that Trump lied to them,
the country was worse than he said it was!! It worked
for Basrrrck when said this after 6 years in office when
Barrrack's economy was in the tank. 
That dam Bush!!

Relax For Just A Minute : They Don't Know Where You Live! (Yet!!)

 The beauty is in the simplicity! Life is okay to in the right lane!

Who Left The Barn Door Open? - The Cows Are Loose!

Currently one of more popular narratives now is demanding everyone believe that what Trump is saying he wants vengeance for those that have been attacking him for the last 7 years. He never said that but it's not important for the narrative to succeed.

Marxist democraaats know exactly what they are doing. lying about their motives and agenda for deflection from what they are actually dong to him, but telling the world they are terrified for their lives and ''democracy'' their actions are justified.

But for the good of the country, it hasn't worked like the Marxist democraaats, the communists had hoped it would. 

Still they know they have millions of believers ready to take their marching orders.

Quick, villages are on to us taking their stuff and then
lying to them it was this guy. But I was told
they know it was us so we have get rid of the
evidence and then blame him for trying to hid
the fact.
You know, justice is served!!

Biiyden Impresses The World Conference In Italy! : A New Joe Biiyden Test Run?

 Yeah, it's true! The attendees were amazed that a person with no brain could still walk among the living! He was the talk of the conference. How does he do it was the discussion at the prepared dinner. One of thoughts was he hypnotically programed before he got here and just told to follow along with the other participants. He will be taken care of to make sure he gets back to hotel.

Some suggested maybe he isn't a human but some kind new technology the Amarians are testing, a Joe Biiyden look-a-like cyborg? No? Well technically it is possible and given how Joe is Acting, maybe he's a marvel of the age. An engerineering marvel!

But still, one has to question other options. The question some are asking and  remains now is, how far is Transylvanian from Italy?

What remains now is how this will all end! Will his battery
last long enough to get him past the election in November?

They Are Not Here to Help! : democraaats in Power - History Repeated!

 If you want to judge a man's character, it's not about how much money he has but how much power to control others. And after just less than 4 years, Joe Biiyden and the Marxist liberated democraaats at the levers of power, our country actually on the edge of disaster like nothing we have ever seen in our storied history.

The Marxist democraaats are hell bent on implementing Barrrack's ''Fundamental Change'' for America where he proposed back in 2008 the Constitution be rewritten and enforced stating not what the government can't do for you, but what it can do for you and to you.

And worse, if you haven't noticed lately, Biiyden's ''right hand man'' in most events, where Joe meets the public, right beside him is Jill, his wife and or Barrrack. This is no accident or happenchance; this is by design as Barrrack begins to solidify his power for the last time before the election where the opposition might win power, he makes his final move to realize his most basic dream, absolute power for control.

Barrrack believes it's now or never!

The Marxists have no sense of history, only the ever larger need
for more power. The democraaats as well are totally focused
 and energize to make it happen.

History is wonderful thing. It can make you successful or
it can destroy you! The choice is yours!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

What Grows Best In Your Garden : Joe Biiyden?

 A really sad commentary from the Marxist communist democraaats that are bound and determined to demand the population ignore real science. Kinda like The Fau Ci who says ''I am science''!

Hey, it's easy to understand in this situation as well. Ask Vegetarians about this stuff that are main stays in the lives.

 ''Mary, Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow. Cockle shells and silver bells and Joe Biiyden at the end of the row'' 

The similarities are uncanny!

After two brain surgeries and 50 years in government 
service, employment,, little wonder he has a spot next to the carrots!

What Are The Facts? : Who Says What's True and What's False!?

How many ''fact checking'' organizations are owned run by democraaats and how many are owned by Republican? hmmmm Well it seems they are all democraaat owned which means they are all corrupt!

And even for more fun, the government is setting up an agency to make that determination as to what is disinformation coming from sources among Republicans and Conservatives that are opposed to current government policy! 

They stated some efforts they believe will help save democracy and the country by having them censored and shut down. And if that doesn't change their behavior, jail! Democracy at work!

Don't believe that? Ask Donald Trump!!

Vote democraaat! Live fast, Love hard and Die young!

Are they creditable or are they just part of the same
corrupt institutions that are in power today?

Will The Lie Live On? : The Promises Forgotten!

 Ol' Joe has become something that no one could have imagined just 6 months ago, he's totally without any comprehension of reality. His world has become smaller and smaller as the time passed until he has become just Joe Biiyden alone and nothing more. A Shadow, a mirage drifting aimlessly in the breeze only to dissipate as quickly as it appeared.

What we saw on stage with Barrrack, Julia Roberts and other Hollywood sycophant stars where Barrrack lead Joe off the holding his hand and tightly directing him with the other hand on his back begs some commonsense questions about what we have as a leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

Joe Biiyden is not a real persson but most just a cardboard cutout of the real thing. When they are done with him, he can be put away some place out of sight and uncomplicated.

Joe was there just to raise some bucks to help the Marxist liberated democraaats sink the county into an abyss of no return. Where life can be defined as our ability to do what we are told and be surprised how easy it is to compress with our own self-identity as we were as Americans in the past with freedom and liberty.

How much worse can out country get with just 4 more years of what we suffered over the last 4 years?

I wonder what the Marxist have planned for Novembre 5th
when Trump wins the election?

The promise was better things were to come if he is elected.
But what actually happened instead? He lied!

A Convicted Felon! : Sentence; 4 Years of WH Community Service!

 I noticed NPR has decided to end its music programming and replace it with their concentrated attack on Donald Trump, found guilty by a jury of his peers in New York City, for entering his payment to a porn star for an indiscretion, on the wrong line of his ledger. Dam! (Another screw up!)

But wait, Mert Garland, the Attorney General of the Unte States authorized lethal force to be used against anyone who would stand the way during the attack on Trump's home, Matra Largo in Florida, during his ''search and seizure'' of all documents that he said were illegally obtained while he was president.

WOW! They were Authorized to gun down the former president or his Secret Service detail guarding the president and his belongings if they interfered with the ransacking of the entire premise. More than two dozen armed unit forced their way into the home, and evicted everyone that was in the home and demanded all camera surveillances are to shut down.

Where, again, did happen? Russia? China? North Korea? Venezuela?

On a morning show were NPR played classical music in the morning from 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon, now find a better fit to end the music and go political. 

''Why would anyone consider voting for a convicted felon, a criminal, for president of the United States? But many people are still considering doing just that!''

We live in strange times. Our government is now the enemy of the people including all surrogates accepting federal taxpayer funds. NPR gets more than $450 million a year to help in their cause for fundamental transformation.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

From the Mouths of Babes! : Our Government Is Not Ready!

 Sure, it's a cartoon but there's a lot of wisdom here given that are government is nearly, if not totally corrupted by Marxist liberated democraaats that mean to do us all harm as they rush get total power over all outcomes,

''Trust us'' they say but history is a good watchman for truth!

The Walking Dead! : Biiyden And Democraaat Voters!!!

 After watching the Joe on center stage with Barrrack, waving to the crowed after their fund raiser and the band playing the exit music, Barrrack reaches over to take Joe arm pulling him in the direction he needed to go to leave the stage. (Joe looked like he really didn't know where he was or what was going on!)

But the worst part was Barrrack kept his hand on Joe's back to make sure Joe keeps going in the right direction. Without that personal assurance from Barrrack, Joe was not sure what he was supposed to do.

And this is the leader of the free world, and millions of good citizens are going to vote for him again even after watching this nightmare in real time???

Yeah, millions of ignorant or just stupid democraaat voters are lining up ready to do their duty just like they always have for generations. It's in the DNA! They aren't like the rest of us who must live in reality.

Just when the media says things that make normal people weak
in the knees about how strong and sharp Joe is even when we
and the media all know is mentally compromised. We have to
believe what the right thing to do is retire Joe to a basement
of his choice!

The Sky is Falling!? How Does That Happen?

 What's interesting and very scary at the same time, many are confused as to how such a thing can happen but never does except when they, those that voted to make chaos a reality are at the levers of power. That is where the confusion reigns supreme! 

Why is everything out of control? Who made this happen?

But pay no attention to any of that now as there is a chance someone that says he has the answer to all of our problems. All that's required is to remember when life was fun and our future looked bright and promising.

And this is where the scary part comes into play, millions of good people can't remember that far back to when life was good and happy. Many people are only concerned when things don't work out like they believe it should. When times are good and productive, they don't notice. They expect it be this way.

 It's the American dream, the good life. No one notices or remembers when everything was coming up roses!

But now all that's changed. It's like when your car is dirty, people notice but pay no attention when it's clean.

The interesting part is why do so many among us are demanding
the bad times continue?? This confusion is dangerous to our