Friday, February 05, 2016

Mr Objma Explains to Reporters : Why 500K Muslims Coming Here Is Good

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'What was that you said? You believe that I'm not from around here and that because of my education in Kenya, Algeria that I'm not who I say I am?

Of course I'm from around here, and yeah I didn't grow up around here, but just because of that it doesn't mean I can't have love, a special place in America for my fellow Muslims, and I can't understand why so many fear why I want to bring in half a million of my fellow Muslims from war torn countries that have professed hatred for us and want us as a nation to be destroyed.

'Come on, we're better then this, it's not who we are'.

'Don't worry about all this rhetoric of hatred and death, they really don't meant it. I know these people, I grew up them and understand them. Some will do bad things to us but that's only a few, the majority just what a new life, to start their country all over again here. What wrong about that?'

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