Friday, February 12, 2016

Government Waste Castrophic : Objma's "Science For All"

Given the deficit that Mr Objma has added this year to the debt of 19 trillion as he presents his budget to congress and the American people, little is left to wonder about Mr Objma's agenda that has nothing to do with common sense or logic, this is about what ever he wants and the country be damned.

Another $4 billion Lost to Federal Computer Science For All
By Lloyd Bentsen IV

President Obama’s “Computer Science For All” (CS For All) initiative increases the role of the federal government in public education and adds more federal programs. It also sounds similar to his recent push “Preschool For All” and with states like Delaware, Hawaii, Washington, Arkansas and more than 30 school districts that have already begun to expand CS opportunities, he plans to continue to expand this initiative.

The funds for the initiative include: $4 billion in funding for states and $100 million directly for school districts in his forthcoming Budget to expand K-12 CS. $135 million in Computer Science funding to become available starting this year from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Corporation for National And Community Service (CNCS).

However, we can just kiss all of this money goodbye. Another $4 billion of federal money, on top of the billions already spent on the failed federal initiatives of Race to the Top and Common Core, just adds more to the national debt, a debt that we cannot afford and will end up falling on future generations of taxpayers of this country.

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