Thursday, October 03, 2024

Twenty Minutes of Fame! : Kamomala On The Southern Border!

Sycophant talking head interviewing the border czar, ''Have you been to the border?''  Kamomala, ''-----I've been to the border, and I've been to Europe!'' June 25, 2021, and September 4, 2024! 

Talking head; speechless!

Interesting situation for brain dead Marxist democraaats who
are now lining up to vote for Kamomala. They are so happy
to have again, a wasted individual to vote for like they
did in 2020!

Marxist democraaats love to vote for candidates that lie to
them and the voters know they are lying but it makes them feel
good knowing they again have the chance to be abused!

The democraaat voter likes the security of having the same
people who promise everything and deliver nothing. Their 
security is in the familiar!

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