Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Time to Decide Your Own Fate : I'm Too Big AND Smart To Fail!!??

 Corinthians 10: 12 - '' Let the one who thinks that he stands secure take great heed, lest he fall.''

This between two participants who exchange their perception of future events based Soley on what might be true but then again might be something completely different given both sides believed they knew what the situation actually was but was viewed from different perspectives.

Much like what is going on today in our country, one side is totally convinced they are right no matter what the facts actually dictate that they are totally wrong. They refuse to believe anything that deviates from what they think they know is true.

These two participants vying for being the leader of the free world have different outlooks on our country's economic condition and position in the world. 

One stands fast understanding his role in the country's populations need for experienced leadership here and around the world, while the other is actual confused and delusional as to her power because of her falsely assumed membership size makes her unquestionably right! 

Time to choose what will work as the oncoming decisions to be made and therefore will get the best results for the country.

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