Saturday, October 05, 2024

How Much Have Things Change? : Or Have They Stayed The Same?

 Lately Joe Biiyden has been actually seen out in public and more pointily he attended the daily Whit House briefing room to make statements and answer questions. This is hard to believe that it was acutely happening, but Joe made a point in his opening statement that kamomala's team and his team are one in the same. They are working together!

The White Hosye press core was confused as Kamomala has made a point on most occasion that when she makes public appearances, she makes it clear she was independent of the Biiyden government. Sure she IS vice president and has been for 4 years with Joe but pay no attention to that. We're democraaats!!

Joe says not so fast! Joe say Kamomala must succeed with the government policies that they both brought to the people or die at the voting booth trying.


Apparently, they are joined the hips! All for one and
one for all!! It looks like she just stepped off the boat
and not ready for prime time!

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