Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Where's there's Smoke, There's Fire! : Jill Is Not Happy With Kamomala!!

''Hell has no fury like a woman scorned!'' and Jill Biiyden is not a happy camper being thrown under the bus. She believes she deserves better given she took the responsibility leading Joe by the hand every day and everywhere he went to make him look like a viable person who is in control of his faculties and not some drooling demented slug. 

(We all knew for years, of course that Joe was just this side of having the brain power of a tomato, but yet commander and chief of the military!)

How Jill has been shoved into a dark place by some slick California third grader who thinks she can win the big prize while Jill is shown the door! Jill has always wanted to be center stage for another 4 years making all of the important decisions for Joe and being a real person, not just a nanny to clean up after Joe messes in his pants.

So, it becomes clear who is directing ''mush head'' Joe to attack the candidate who seems to be even worse than Joe for being cognitively helpless, a moron of gigantic proportions, Jill has no problem for what she is doing to level the playing field.

She believes if she can't be top woman in the country, no two-bit whore from California won't be either!

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