Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kamomala AND Joe Did It All! : Joe, ''We Were A Team for Success!!"

One has to wonder how things can and will become clearer that Kamomala can't unload Joe since she was his Vice President for four years! Remember she said she was always the last person in the room when important decisions were made.

Now of course she denies she was vice president. The last 4 years of her job as ''vice president'' was a calamity but were the fault of Donald Trump. Isn't she just amazing!

As a result, we have to believe she is mentally ill and demand she be sent to a medical facility to be exanimated for regressive cognitive failure. Then to, Joe will be in the next room with his ''sippy cup'' and a bowl of ice cream. Finally, a really happy camper! 

After lock -up sfor further investigation, her first call with be to someone that knows her intimately and will vouch for her abilities, Willy Brown! She won't call her husband as he's tied up with the new nanny!

This angers Jill as well, in that she can't compete with Kamomala and her vast abilities to persuade others to do her bidding. Talents few women are willing to use to get what they want like kamomala who applies her talents as needed. (How the hell do ya think she got to be AG in California?)

Always vote  democraaat to make life painful and short!

The team that brought conflict and chaos from 
successful prosperity for everyone!

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