Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Voting For Life, Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness''!! : There Are No Other Options!


Ask any Marxist liberated democraaat this one question that is above all others to find out who they are and what they believe is truth, ''Are you better off now then 4 years ago?''

Vote early and work hard to press the flesh with the message, this could be our last chance to save the country from an ugliness beyhond our free capitalist comprehension. The Marist democraaats want to end the freedom to choose, replacing it with the iron fist of a totalitarian authority. 

Kamomala's entire history is on display depicting a communist agenda, a one rule authority showing freedom is not possible for the little people. A legacy of corruption and a failuref to deliver. 

It's all there if you care enough about yourself and your family's future to take notice and then vote to stoep the possible coming nightmare if you fail in your task.

She promises One law, One rule and One authority to make it happen! Believe otherwise is risking your own demise. 

Don't be fooled


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