Thursday, October 03, 2024

Kamomala In Charge! : Good? Staff Turn Over at 92%!!

 Here Kamomala demonstrates here best talent when ordering fast food and when she gives instructions on how she wants her staff to run the campaign!

She believes she can and will use the force of her nature to make others do her bidding. She can be very persuasive when she thinks she is in losing situation.

But she apparently has a power structure problem delegating some of her power to others to make the system function properly.  But she also believes she has the remedy for finding ways she can move up the ladder to gain more positions with the power elitist in California and ultimately the entire country.

It seems to be working as she is running now for the top job! Some political experts say it won't work as well as it did in California, but many others believe she will give it try! 

Talent like hers should never be underestimated!

The jury is still out on whether her magic will be as
effective on the big stage as California!

If history can dictate future results, and it always does,
 than the country will be in trouble if she
wins in November.

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