Sunday, May 26, 2024

What makes Marxist liberated democraaats So Destructive and Hateful?

Can it be what they eat that derives them to steal, burn and loot the country? It just seems that way as we are now headed into a state of economic and political collapse after just four years of democraaat control. Everything is out of control!

President Trump turned the country around ''Making America Great Again'' to only lose in an election riff with fraud leaving us all extremely vulnerable as we are about to become irrelevant as a people and a nation in the wider world of nations if Joe Biiyden steals in the election in November again1

Believe, there will not be a second chance to make things right if that happens. The Marxist socialist communists will be in control of everything in our lives for generations to come!

Individual freedom and liberty will only be a memory!

This seem to be true as the
results of their control are
all around us!

Now we can see the results
again, just like Ogbymma from
2008 to 2016!

The never-ending story of democraaat's ability to ruin
everything in their quest for the power for control!
And by any means necessary!

The nation and its people be dammed!!

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